Assisted reproduction

This term encompasses such methods used to achieve pregnancy, where one or more processes take place outside the human body.

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Our lives in modern society are interwoven with constant psychological pressure, stress, and unfavorable ecological environment. Unfortunately all of these factors have a negative impact on human reproductive function, significantly reducing our potential for a harmonious family life. Help can be provided by assisted reproductive technologies. They give all of us a chance to experience the joy of parenthood.

Artificial insemination

One of the assisted reproductive technologies. Specially prepared sperm of the partner or donor is placed directly into uterus of the woman. From that moment on the pregnancy evolves in the same way as in case of natural concievement: spermatozoids must travel along the fallopian tubes, reach the ovum and fertilize it.

Insemination is used when the ability of spermatozoids to reach the uterus is hindered. This technology is comparatively simple and ensures good results.

In more complicated cases methods of extracorporeal insemination must be used where insemination takes place outside the body of the woman. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION USING SPERM OF THE PARTNER Usage of this treatment is determined by cervical factor of the woman, when partner's spermatozoids are impaired by the environment of the cervical channel. This treatment can also be prescribed in case of slightly decreased amount of normal spermatozoids, lack of semen, or erectile dysfunction. Statistically treatments are more successful if a woman: – is younger than 30, – has both fallopian tubes passable.

ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION WITH DONOR'S SPERM During this treatment spermatozoids taken from an anonymous donor are inserted into uterus. It is a simple and effective method because the sperm complies with all the quality and quantity requirements. It is ensured by permitting only healthy men to become donors. Insemination using donor's sperm is recommended: – if there are no spermatozoids in the semen or their amount is not sufficient, – presence in the partner of inherited diseases, – a woman does not have a male partner.

IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation)

IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) is a method of assisted reproductive technologies. The ovum is fertilized outside the body of a woman in a laboratory.

After the insemination embryos are transferred to uterine cavity. There they continue to develop in the natural environment of a woman's body. If during the treatment more embryos were obtained than necessary, the remaining embryos can be frozen and kept for ten years.

Do not despair if you do not possess your own germ cells. You still have a chance to become a parent! We in AVA CLINIC for more than twenty years have been successfully providing treatments with cells of the donors.

We offer customized programs. Our recipient receives all eggs donated by a donor during the particular cycle of ovarian stimulation. AVA CLINIC chooses donors very carefully; we try to match them to the needs of our recipients as closely as possible, including the similarity of appearance.

We know that every day you need to wait to become pregnant is excruciatingly slow. Therefore we do our best to begin the treatment as soon as possible. In our clinic you do not need to wait for a donor. You can begin the treatment today! The whole cycle of treatment using donated cells from the first visit till the embryo transfer lasts only two to three months.

DONOR EGGS AND PARTNER’S SPERM The eggs donated by a healthy woman are inseminated with a sperm of a partner. This treatment method is used when the ovum has a poor quality or does not get produced in sufficient quantity for a pregnancy to occur. We recommend this program when it has been established that treatment using woman's own ovum is not possible. OWN EGGS AND DONOR SPERM This is treatment method fertilization happens outside the woman's body, and her ovum is inseminated with a sperm of an anonymous donor. This method has a high success rate because the sperm of a donor complies with all the quality and quantity requirements. This treatment is recommended if a woman does not have a male partner or if the quality of the sperm is not such that it cannot be used for fertilization. OWN EGGS AND DONOR SPERM This is treatment method fertilization happens outside the woman's body, and her ovum is inseminated with a sperm of an anonymous donor. This method has a high success rate because the sperm of a donor complies with all the quality and quantity requirements. This treatment is recommended if a woman does not have a male partner or if the quality of the sperm is not such that it cannot be used for fertilization. DONOR EGGS AND DONOR SPERM With this method ovum of a healthy female donor is fertilized using donor's sperm. This treatment method is used when the ovum has a poor quality or does not get produced in sufficient quantity for a pregnancy to occur, as well as in cases when a woman does not have a male partner. This treatment also suits couples who do not have their own germ cells or the cells have a poor quality. You can begin the treatment straight away, without an initial appointment and without a waiting list.

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